Progressive Web Apps: Where Do I Begin?

A presentation at An Event Apart Washington DC in July 2019 in Washington, DC, USA by Aaron Gustafson

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PWA s Where Do I Begin? Aaron Gustafson @AaronGustafson

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What exactly is a PWA?

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What exactly is a Progressive Web App?

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What exactly is a Progressive Web App?

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What exactly is a Progressive Web App?

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What exactly is a Progressive Web App?

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“Progressive Progressive Web App” App is a marketing term

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Progressive Web App

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Game Gallery Book Progressive Web App Newspaper Art Project Tool

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Progressive Web Site

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Who’s behind PWAs?

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@AaronGustafson What’s a PWA, technically? HTTPS

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@AaronGustafson What’s a PWA, technically? HTTPS Web App Manifest

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@AaronGustafson What’s a manifest? { “lang”: “en”, “short_name”: “Wash Post”, “name”: “The Washington Post”, “icons”: [ { “src”: “img/launcher-icon-2x.png”, “sizes”: “96x96”, “type”: “image/png” } ], “start_url”: “/pwa/”, “display”: “standalone”, “orientation”: “portrait”, “background_color”: “black” }

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@AaronGustafson What’s a PWA, technically? HTTPS Web App Manifest Service Worker

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Should I believe the hype?

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Starbucks: 2x increase in daily active users

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Tinder: Core experience with 90% less code

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Trivago: 97% increase in click-outs to hotel offers

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West Elm: 15% increase in time on site 9% increase in revenue per visit

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@AaronGustafson Let’s talk about Service Worker

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@AaronGustafson Registering a Service Worker if ( “serviceWorker” in navigator ) { navigator.serviceWorker.register( “/serviceworker.min.js” ); } h t a P p m is i ! t n a t or

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@AaronGustafson The Service Worker Lifecycle Browser Install Activation Ready

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@AaronGustafson How connections are made Browser Internet

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@AaronGustafson Along comes Service Worker Browser Cache Internet

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@AaronGustafson Along comes Service Worker Browser ! Cache Internet

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PWAs start with a great web experience and then enhance that experience for performance, resilience, installation, and engagement

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Progressive Web App Enhancement

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PWAs start with a great web experience and then enhance that experience for performance, resilience, installation, and engagement

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Progressive Web App

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Progressive /prəˈɡresiv/ happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step

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Patrick Perkins

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Consider circa 2007 @AaronGustafson

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“Mobile first” thinking isn’t just about mobile

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Patrick Perkins

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Patrick Perkins

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Step 2 Use markup that supports the core experience Avinash Arunachalam AM Patrick Perkins

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Avinash Arunachalam A M

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@AaronGustafson What does it mean? <div class=”entry”> <div class=”entry__title”>Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem</div> <div class=”entry__meta”> <div><b>Published</b> 24 May 2017</div> <div><b>Reading Time</b> 25 minutes</div> </div> <div class=”entry__content”> I had the great pleasure of delivering a talk… <br><br> I do a lot of traveling and it’s… </div> </div>

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@AaronGustafson This is self-contained content <div class=”entry”> <div class=”entry__title”>Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem</div> <div class=”entry__meta”> <div><b>Published</b> 24 May 2017</div> <div><b>Reading Time</b> 25 minutes</div> </div> <div class=”entry__content”> I had the great pleasure of delivering a talk… <br><br> I do a lot of traveling and it’s… </div> </div>

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@AaronGustafson There’s a tag for that: article <article class=”entry”> <div class=”entry__title”>Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem</div> <div class=”entry__meta”> <div><b>Published</b> 24 May 2017</div> <div><b>Reading Time</b> 25 minutes</div> </div> <div class=”entry__content”> I had the great pleasure of delivering a talk… <br><br> I do a lot of traveling and it’s… </div> </article>

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@AaronGustafson This is the title of the post <article class=”entry”> <div class=”entry__title”>Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem</div> <div class=”entry__meta”> <div><b>Published</b> 24 May 2017</div> <div><b>Reading Time</b> 25 minutes</div> </div> <div class=”entry__content”> I had the great pleasure of delivering a talk… <br><br> I do a lot of traveling and it’s… </div> </article>

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@AaronGustafson There’s a tag for that: h1-h6 <article class=”entry”> <h1 class=”entry__title”>Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem</h1> <div class=”entry__meta”> <div><b>Published</b> 24 May 2017</div> <div><b>Reading Time</b> 25 minutes</div> </div> <div class=”entry__content”> I had the great pleasure of delivering a talk… <br><br> I do a lot of traveling and it’s… </div> </article>

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@AaronGustafson Various properties of the post <article class=”entry”> <h1 class=”entry__title”>Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem</h1> <div class=”entry__meta”> <div><b>Published</b> 24 May 2017</div> <div><b>Reading Time</b> 25 minutes</div> </div> <div class=”entry__content”> I had the great pleasure of delivering a talk… <br><br> I do a lot of traveling and it’s… </div> </article>

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@AaronGustafson There’s an element for that: dl <article class=”entry”> <h1 class=”entry__title”>Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem</h1> <dl class=”entry__meta”> <dt>Published</dt> <dd>24 May 2017</dd> <dt>Reading Time</dt> <dd>25 minutes</dd> </dl> <div class=”entry__content”> I had the great pleasure of delivering a talk… <br><br> I do a lot of traveling and it’s… </div> </article>

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@AaronGustafson Bonus: time <article class=”entry”> <h1 class=”entry__title”>Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem</h1> <dl class=”entry__meta”> <dt>Published</dt> <dd><time>24 May 2017</time></dd> <dt>Reading Time</dt> <dd>25 minutes</dd> </dl> <div class=”entry__content”> I had the great pleasure of delivering a talk… <br><br> I do a lot of traveling and it’s… </div> </article>

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@AaronGustafson Bonus: time <time datetime=”2017-05-24”> 24 May 2017</time> <time datetime=”2017-05-24T11:13:24”> 24 May 2017</time> <time datetime=”2017-05-24T11:13:24-04:00”> 24 May 2017</time>

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@AaronGustafson “Flow” content with line breaks <article class=”entry”> <h1 class=”entry__title”>Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem</h1> <dl class=”entry__meta”> <dt>Published</dt> <dd><time …>24 May 2017</time></dd> <dt>Reading Time</dt> <dd>25 minutes</dd> </dl> <div class=”entry__content”> I had the great pleasure of delivering a talk… <br><br> I do a lot of traveling and it’s… </div> </article>

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@AaronGustafson “Flow” content, divided <article class=”entry”> <h1 class=”entry__title”>Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem</h1> <dl class=”entry__meta”> <dt>Published</dt> <dd><time …>24 May 2017</time></dd> <dt>Reading Time</dt> <dd>25 minutes</dd> </dl> <div class=”entry__content”> <div>I had the great pleasure of delivering a…</div> <div>I do a lot of traveling and it’s…</div> </div> </article>

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@AaronGustafson This is meaningful content <article class=”entry”> <h1 class=”entry__title”>Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem</h1> <dl class=”entry__meta”> <dt>Published</dt> <dd><time …>24 May 2017</time></dd> <dt>Reading Time</dt> <dd>25 minutes</dd> </dl> <div class=”entry__content”> <p>I had the great pleasure of delivering a talk…</p> <p>I do a lot of traveling and it’s…</p> </div> </article>

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Avinash Arunachalam A M

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@AaronGustafson Readability

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Hey Cortana, read me the top three headlines in today’s New York Times

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@AaronGustafson Access via semantics: function extractHeadlines( response ){ var $html = document.createElement(‘div’), $headings, i=0, headlines=[]; $html.innerHTML = response.contents; $headings = $html.querySelector(‘#top-new’) .querySelectorAll(‘article h1, article h2, article h3’); heading_count = $headings.length; while (headlines.length < 3) { let $link = $headings[i].querySelector(‘a’); if ($link && $link.href) { headlines.push({ title: $headings[i].innerText.trim(), link: $link.href }); } i++; } console.log( headlines ); }

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@AaronGustafson Access via semantics: function extractHeadlines( response ){ var $html = document.createElement(‘div’), $headings, i=0, headlines=[]; $html.innerHTML = response.contents; $headings = $html.querySelector(‘#top-new’) .querySelectorAll(‘article h1, article h2, article h3’); heading_count = $headings.length; while (headlines.length < 3) { let $link = $headings[i].querySelector(‘a’); if ($link && $link.href) { headlines.push({ title: $headings[i].innerText.trim(), link: $link.href }); } i++; } console.log( headlines ); }

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More about semantics for “headless” UIs

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@AaronGustafson Let’s say you needed a button… <input type=”submit” value=”Sign Up”> Sign Up <button type=”submit”>Sign Up</button> <a class=”button” href=”#”>Sign Up</a> <div class=”button”>Sign Up</div>

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@AaronGustafson Let’s compare Pattern input[type=submit] button[type=submit] a div Display button Semantics button Focusable? Activate By Submits Forms Yes Mouse, touch, ENTER, SPACE Yes Yes Mouse, touch, ENTER, SPACE Yes No No button button link Named generic Yes Mouse, touch, ENTER block Not exposed No N/A

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@AaronGustafson UX gaps that need to be filled Pattern input[type=submit] button[type=submit] a div Display button Semantics button Focusable? Activate By Submits Forms Yes Mouse, touch, ENTER, SPACE Yes Yes Mouse, touch, ENTER, SPACE Yes No No button button link Named generic Yes Mouse, touch, ENTER block Not exposed No N/A

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@AaronGustafson Moar dependencies Pattern Display Semantics Focusable? Activate By Submits Forms input[type=submit] None None None None None button[type=submit] None None None None None a CSS ARIA None JavaScript JavaScript div CSS ARIA HTML JavaScript JavaScript

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@AaronGustafson Moar dependencies Pattern Display Semantics Focusable? Activate By Submits Forms input[type=submit] None None None None None button[type=submit] None None None None None a CSS ARIA None JavaScript JavaScript div CSS ARIA HTML JavaScript JavaScript

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@AaronGustafson Potential for failure Moar dependencies, moar (potential) problems Dependencies

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@AaronGustafson Disaster averted

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@AaronGustafson Potential for failure Moar dependencies, moar (potential) problems Dependencies

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the experience Capabilities

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing UX with markup <input type=”email” name=”email” id=”email” required aria-required=”true”>

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing UX with markup <input type=”email” name=”email” id=”email” required aria-required=”true”> Experience deltas 1. Support for email input type? 2. Validation algorithm implemented? 3. Virtual keyboard?

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing UX with markup <input type=”email” name=”email” id=”email” required aria-required=”true”> Experience deltas 1. Support for HTML validation?

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing UX with markup <input type=”email” name=”email” id=”email” required aria-required=”true”> Experience deltas 1. Browser exposure of aria-required property? 2. Assistive tech implementation of aria-required?

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the experience Capabilities

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Avinash Arunachalam A M

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Step 3 Design in support of the core experience Avinash Arunachalam AM Chris Grafton

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the experience Capabilities

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Good design is problem solving. — Jeff Veen

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@AaronGustafson Tools for graphic design Alignment Proportion Balance Proximity Contrast Repetition Emphasis Rhythm Gestalt Unity Harmony White Space Movement

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@AaronGustafson Tools for graphic design Alignment Proportion Balance Proximity Contrast Repetition Emphasis Rhythm Gestalt Unity Harmony White Space Movement

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@AaronGustafson Alignment

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@AaronGustafson Contrast

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@AaronGustafson Proportion

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@AaronGustafson Proximity

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@AaronGustafson Rhythm

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@AaronGustafson Unity

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@AaronGustafson Unique design considerations Screen size Resolution Brightness Color density User preference Network speed & quality Assistive technology

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@AaronGustafson Unique design considerations Screen size Resolution Brightness Color density User preference Network speed & quality Assistive technology ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞

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@AaronGustafson Unique design considerations Screen size Resolution Brightness Color density User preference Network speed & quality Assistive technology

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@AaronGustafson Examples of user preference Larger or smaller fonts @media (min-width: 32em) { … } High contrast colors @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) { … } @media (-ms-high-contrast: white-on-black) { … } @media (-ms-high-contrast: black-on-white) { … } Reduced motion @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { … }

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@AaronGustafson Assistive technologies ๏ Vision ๏ Motor/mobility ๏ Screen magnifiers ๏ Speech recognition ๏ Screen readers ๏ Mouse settings ๏ Braille printers & refreshable braille displays ๏ Keyboards & keyboard overlays ๏ High contrast settings ๏ Eye tracking ๏ Hearing ๏ Captions & subtitles

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Don’t rely on color alone to convey important information Confirm Cancel Confirm Cancel

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Good contrast ensures your content is readable

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Explicit connections ensure everyone can follow references

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Explicit connections ensure everyone can follow references <a href=”#figure-3-3”>Figure 3.3</a> shows the lodging article in Safari with only the default browser styles applied. …

<figure id=”figure-3-3”> … </figure>

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Consider what your design leaves unsaid

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Consider what your design leaves unsaid aria-label=”You can finish reading “The Web Should Just Work for Everyone” in less than 10 minutes”

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the experience Capabilities

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS p { color: green; color: rgba(0, 255, 0, .8); } Passwords can be a hassle. Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS p { color: green; color: rgba(0, 255, 0, .8); } Older browsers without RGBa support, ignore the second rule Passwords can be a hassle. Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS p { color: green; color: rgba(0, 255, 0, .8); } Modern browsers with RGBa support, overwrite the first rule

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS h1:has(+ p) { color: green; } (That selects h1s that have adjacent sibling paragraphs.) Passwords can be a hassle Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS h1:has(+ p) { color: green; } Browsers that don’t support :has() ignore the entire rule set Passwords can be a hassle Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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@AaronGustafson Beware the comma! div:hover .extra-stuff, div:focus-within .extra-stuff { /* reveal it */ }

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@AaronGustafson Beware the comma! div:hover .extra-stuff, div:focus-within .extra-stuff { /* reveal it */ } Browsers that don’t support :focus-within

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@AaronGustafson Beware the comma! div:hover .extra-stuff, div:focus-within .extra-stuff { /* reveal it */ } Browsers that do support :focus-within

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS h1:has(+ p) { color: green; } As browsers support :has(), matching h1s will turn green Passwords can be a hassle Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS @media only screen { p { color: green; } } Passwords can be a hassle. Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS @media only screen { p { color: green; } } Browsers without media query support ignore the block Passwords can be a hassle. Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS @media only screen { p { color: green; } } Browsers with media query support apply it Passwords can be a hassle. Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS @supports (display: grid) { p { color: green; } } Passwords can be a hassle. Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS @supports (display: grid) { p { color: green; } } Browsers that don’t grok @supports ignore the block Passwords can be a hassle. Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS @supports (display: grid) { p { color: green; } } Browsers that understand @supports, but don’t support grid ignore it Passwords can be a hassle. Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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@AaronGustafson Enhancing design in CSS @supports (display: grid) { p { color: green; } } Browsers that understand @supports and grid apply it Passwords can be a hassle. Most people don’t create strong passwords or make sure to maintain a different one for every site. People create easy-to-remember passwords and typically use the same passwords across all of their accounts.

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Chris Grafton

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Chris Grafton

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the experience Capabilities

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“Mobile first” design

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“Desktop first”

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.primary { float: left; width: 68%; } .secondary { float: right; “Desktop first” width: 32%; }

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“Desktop first” @media (max-width:599px) { .primary, .secondary { float: none; width: auto; } }

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“Mobile first”

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@media (min-width:600px) “Mobile first”

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@AaronGustafson Also “mobile first” ๏ Selectively deliver advances styles ๏ Isolate large CSS images in min-width media queries ๏ Don’t hide content images using CSS ๏ Use responsive images ๏ Prefer system fonts ๏ font-display: optional

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the experience Capabilities

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Step 4 Improve the core experience with JavaScript ChrisCreswick Grafton Jacob

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Jacob Creswick

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Jacob Creswick

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@AaronGustafson Got let? document.body.innerHTML += ‘<p>Can I count to four?</p>’; for ( let i=1; i<=4; i++ ) { document.body.innerHTML += ‘<p>’ + i + ‘</p>’; } document.body.innerHTML += ‘<p>Success!</p>’;

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@AaronGustafson Potential for failure Moar dependencies, moar (potential) problems Dependencies

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As part of our refined approach to building frontend features on, we focused on getting away with regular HTML foundation as much as we could, and only adding JavaScript behaviors as progressive enhancement. As a result, even those web forms and other UI elements that were enhanced using JS would usually also work with JavaScript disabled in the browser.

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As part of our refined approach to building frontend features on, we focused on getting away with regular HTML foundation as much as we could, and only adding JavaScript behaviors as progressive enhancement. As a result, even those web forms and other UI elements that were enhanced using JS would usually also work with JavaScript disabled in the browser.

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Jacob Creswick

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the experience Capabilities

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@AaronGustafson Detecting support if ( navigator.credentials ) { // Actual logic goes here }

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the experience Capabilities

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Jacob Creswick

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@AaronGustafson Registering a Service Worker if ( navigator.serviceWorker ) { navigator.serviceWorker.register(‘/serviceworker.js’) .then(function(registration) { console.log(‘Success!’, registration.scope); }) .catch(function(error) { console.error(‘Failure!’, error); }); }

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@AaronGustafson Object detection FTW! if ( navigator.serviceWorker ) { navigator.serviceWorker.register(‘/serviceworker.js’) .then(function(registration) { console.log(‘Success!’, registration.scope); }) .catch(function(error) { console.error(‘Failure!’, error); }); }

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the experience Capabilities

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the experience Capabilities

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the Service Worker Capabilities

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Jacob Creswick

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@AaronGustafson User Experience Enhance the experience Capabilities

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PWAs start with a great web experience and then enhance that experience for performance, resilience, installation, and engagement

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PWAs start with a great web experience and then enhance that experience for performance, resilience, installation, and engagement

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Focus Markup Design JavaScript

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Thank you! @AaronGustafson