Where Do We Go From Here? Aaron Gustafson @AaronGustafson slideshare.net/AaronGustafson
Responsive Day Out 19 June 2015 Brighton, UK
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And that doesn’t even consider our users.
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It’s about access.
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Media Query Forest
HTML5 Form Caverns Lake CSS
Mount Ajax
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Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
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When something happens, the only thing in your power is your attitude toward it; you can either accept it or resent it.
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It’s about accessibility.
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@media (pointer:fine) { /* Smaller links and buttons are ok / } @media (pointer:coarse) { / Larger links and buttons are probably a good idea */ }
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@media (hover:hover) { /* hover-related interactions are A-OK / } @media (hover:on-demand) { / hover-related interactions are potentially difficult, maybe do something else instead / } @media (hover:none) { / No hover possible :-( */ }
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Designing a page that relies on hovering or accurate pointing only because any-hover or any-pointer indicate that an input mechanism with these capabilities is available, is likely to result in a poor experience.